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In Our Garden: January

A very belated but Happy New Year from all of us at Violet & Vine! We are looking forward to a new year of weddings, meeting more lovely Brides and Grooms to be and all of the wonderful floral arrangements that come with working in the Lincoln wedding floristry business. January can be a tough month to get through but we are being cheered by the flowers growing in the garden and thought we'd share some of our favourites.

Snowdrops are the first flowers of the year and so very suitably are the flowers featured on our January flower of the month china set; we have one for each month of the year and they are a very treasured possession. They are such a dainty flower, a pure white colour which really stands out against the greenery and they will grow back every year so a great garden staple. It's difficult to have success with bulbs for snowdrops so are best bought in the green (in flower) and then planted in the garden.

Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' is an evergreen with beautiful long silky tassels which are very striking. We used the tassels in a Christmas wreath last year and they looked lovely.

Achillea, also known as yarrow is a summer flowering perennial with delicate fern like leaves and flowers that bloom in vintage pastel hues. We have been surprised at how it is flowering now, in the middle of a choisya shrub.

Corylus avellana, also known as twisted/corkscrew hazel really adds interest to a winter garden with its dramatic twisted branches. We actually use them inside to hang baubles from or to twist fairy lights around them - last year we used them to hang Easter Eggs from! It's a shrub which will last for years.

Hellebore niger or Christmas rose is part of the buttercup family but the flowers resemble wild roses. They are another flower which add colour to the garden and also look great in floral arrangements.

Last but not least, Heather. A small and simple flower which works beautifully as part of buttonholes.

We hope you enjoyed seeing what's in our garden this January!

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